Sunday, July 22, 2012

with every heartbeat i love you (17)

adry 6awalnaaa wayed and we really are sorry not really we i mean me:( !! but wait i have a good explanation after the exam straight away i traveled and i just came back :( !! and someone (shushu)'s in kuwait and doesn't want to post ,, zfooha hey ana maly 4anb ,, ana msafra w all day out w ma3endy want ,, bas hy fl deera she doesn't have a reason ,, agool laha 7aram 3leich people are waiting for the post w hy tgoool 3ayzanaa !! anyways basy garga embark 3leikum elshahr and enjoy the post ;*


(Noora's POV)

I got a text from him saying that i should meet him in starbucks in 15 minutes ,, so I went and wore anything i saw in front of me and just wore it and left to starbucks it was 20 minutes walk from my apartment. When I arrived I scanned the place and spotted him sitting in a corner looking tired I really feel guilty I don't mean to do this to him :(. He was wearing an Abrecombie and Fitch shirt that showed off his hott abs and shorts and an A&F cap he really wants me to melt y3ny :( I walked over to wear he was sitting and when i reached him he immediately stood up and hugged me so tight ugggh i miss this i miss his warmth I miss his smell I miss him I really feel terrible now :'(

(Bader's POV)

When she reached the table I saw the sadness in her eyes I uncontrollably hugged her. i kept hugging her until I felt something shaking by my chest I looked down to see her crying I hugged her stronger and kept playing with her hair and usshing her.

Bader: 7abeebty please calm down latga63een galby tkfein
Noora: sniff sniff umy snifff sniff tabeeny atzawaj sniff maby
Bader: 7abeebtyy shway shway mafehamt shay
Noora: Bader my mom's sniff forcing me to get married to my cousin sniff many
Bader: 7yatyyy entyy don't worry I'll fix everything
Noora: bas how ??
Bader: 5aleeha 3alay enty bas smile w be 3ady

Musta7eel ttzawaj a7ad '3eiry I'd never let that happen musta7eel a5serhaa musta7eeel a5aly 7ad ya54ha menu ,, I want her to be mine only mine! And I know exactly what to do


(Dalal's POV)

I was walking with 6alal next to each other thats when he held my hands I looked it our hands and smiled he then interlocked his fingers with mine and took my hand to his lips and kissed it ,, And of course I blushed like crazy :$ I LOVE THIS MAN ,, he loves making me blush

6alal: KAAAAK 6al3 elwayh 7asha 6uma6a mub wayh
I gave him the evil stare ,,
6alal: yumaaaaa shly 5alany a7eb wa7da t5ar3
this time I pulled my hands from his and ran away from him
I know he's going to reach me he's soo fast ,, next thing i knew was someone holding my hips and pulling me back and I hit something warm and hott ,, thats when i knew halal pulled me to his chest I looked up to him and gave him my puppy dog eyes and madait elbooz awenah za3lana
Dalal: shtaby ma7ebk ana
6alal: ee mat7beeny 3shanch tmooteen feeny
Dalal: th8ah bas 3ala shno madry (i rolled my eyes at him)
6alal: akeed bakoon wath8 I'm sexy and I know it (he winked and stuck his tongue out at me)
Dalal: ana ma7ebk wala amoot feek zein 
madeit elbooz again
6alal: zeiin ana a7ebch w amoot feech w a3shgch w ahwach w kl shay
I smiled and blushed
6alal: radeina 3al 6ayr yaly ba3ad radat sarat 6ma6a
Dalal: chub :|
6alal: kela tcha3meen 7aram 3leich tcha3meeen ubo 3yalch
I widened my eyes and blushed and looked at the floor
6alal: fdeit'hum ely yst7oon
he pinched my cheeks
Dalal: ayyyy y3awr :(
6alal: sorry bas t'hableeein
he kissed my cheeks ,, and held my hand again
Dalal: yalla 6alal lazm enroo7 ,, el7een bee7atoona ahalna
6alal: shloon y7atoona w ana rayal shkubry w sh3r'9y weyakum
He hugged me tight and was kissing my forehead while we were walking then FAJ2A
????!!!: HAY ENTW .....


a7ebkum <3 ,, please comment :( ana lay 4anb zoofw shushu fl comments 3ashan she feels guilty *.* Anyways sorry it's a short post bas ana ta3bana my eyes are closing tawny rada mn elsfar :(

 - moolie <3